I Stand Redeemed

At the dawn of eternity, when the mist of time is gone,
when the choir of heaven gathers to begin redemption's song,
I will bow before my Savior in a body new and whole;
then I'll rise to sing His praises while eternal ages roll.

I stand redeemed by the blood of Jesus.
The price is paid; my debt is gone.
The chains that bound me no longer hold me.
Because of Calv'ry I stand redeemed.

As I gaze upon my Savior and the wounds He bore for me,
I will sing of His salvation bought with blood upon the tree.
While the host of angels listen to a song they cannot sing,
I will voice my praise to Jesus with the song of the redeemed.

I stand redeemed by the blood of Jesus.
The price is paid; my debt is gone.
The chains that bound me no longer hold me.
Because of Calv'ry I stand redeemed.

I Stand Redeemed
By: Ron and Shelly Hamilton


Yet another of my favorite songs.  When I sang this in our church choir, I literally got goosebumps and tears!  When we presented it in church, I have never heard us so sure.  The words we sang were a message from our hearts.  This whole song is a story about our victorious salvation, a picture of Heaven, and one day our standing there looking into God's face.  What a moment that will be.

I always love it when a arranger puts music to words that you can tell just fit.  Ron Hamilton did that with this piece.

Sample: I Stand Redeemed: Ron and Shelly Hamilton


  1. Redemption is not perfection. The redeemed must realize their imperfections. See the link below for more info.



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